Our community outreach services aim to support those in need in our local community. We provide essential services such as donated food, clothes, and toys, as well as rental and utility assistance when available. We also offer support teen parents through housing and education, and current counseling services. We are in collaboration with a local company that provides therapeutic mental health counseling and weekly church services. A we strive to be of assistance in the current mental health crisis in our communities, we are pleased to offer top notch mental health therapy and counseling sessions! Contact us for more details and find out how to utilize this service! Our dedicated team works tirelessly as we grow.
By supporting our community outreach services, you are helping to make a positive impact on the lives of those in need in our community. Contact us to donate today!
Ready to make a difference in the lives of vulnerable populations? Fill out our contact form to learn more about our programs and volunteering opportunities. With your help, we can provide the support and resources needed for those who have experienced trauma, homelessness, foster care, or reentry.